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Create Your Own Tire Lettering Kit
How good does your truck look? Is it showroom ready? What about the tire lettering? Didn’t know you could dress up the tire lettering? Iron Cross Innovations has created a product that it says will make the tire lettering shine.

Are Auto Manufacturers Intentionally Making It Hard For You To Maintain Your Own Car?
It seems like every year new vehicles are getting more and more complex to work on. It is getting so the average Joe can’t work on their own car anymore. What gives? Are auto manufactures making it harder? Or is it something else?

Is it auto manufactures, government regulations, consumers or something else that is making it more difficult for you to maintain your car?
Why Trucks Are Better Than Cars
Trucks are made for off-roading and towing. Cars are for the boring stuff like commuting. Right? What happens when people (see:idiots) switch these roles. Like how about driving a Chevy Corvetter through deep mud with the top down? Glad you asked, because these guys thought it was a great idea.
What to Get Dad – 2012 Automotive Father’s Day Gift Guide
Father’s day is quickly approaching. What do you get the old man? No more ties, please. How about something for his truck? Here is a list of fun gift ideas.

Show your Dad some love with these gifts.
Selling Your Toyota Tundra on Twitter
There are many ways to sell a truck: classified, Craigslist, Auto trader, maybe even Ebay. How about selling your Toyota Tundra on Twitter?

Is selling your truck on Twitter the new way to buy/sell cars?