All Entries in the "Toyota Tundra Accessories" Category
Clear Bra Tips for Truck Owners
Rock chips are the inevitable outcome of any extended period of truck ownership. No matter how careful you are, at some point an errant stone is going to get kicked up by the car in front of you and take a chunk out of your paint. You might even do it to yourself driving down a gravel road by shooting back rocks at your rocker and rear quarter panels.

Rock chips on your vehicle's hood are ugly and can hurt your vehicle's value
It used to be that the only real form of protection against rock chips was to install a hideous black ‘bra’ on the front of a vehicle. Usually made out of vinyl, these monstrosities were not only ugly, but cheaper models also introduced the very real risk of damaging the paint themselves by baking into the factory finish over time or by trapping water and “gunk” between the cover and the clear coat.
Thankfully, technology has advanced past the days of the black vinyl bra and introduced the “clear bra” – but not all clear bras are the same.
Tundra TRD Dual Exhaust Is Back
When the 2nd generation Toyota Tundra debuted in 2007, one of the things Tundra buyers liked was the option to buy a Toyota-authorized TRD cat-back exhaust system. Rather than buying an after-market exhaust system and worrying about performance, sound characteristics, and quality, new Tundra buyers could go with a system backed by Toyota.

The new TRD dual cat-back exhaust system for 2009+ Tundras retails for $1,000
However, for some inexplicable reason, Toyota canceled the TRD exhaust system at the end of the 2008 model year. Up until last week, anyone who wanted a TRD exhaust for their 2009-2011 Tundra was out of luck. However, TRD has corrected this oversight with a new Tundra exhaust system for 2009-and-up Tundras.
Here’s all the info:
Interviewing IPT – Part Two
This is the second part of a two-part interview of John Lombardo, founder and co-owner of Import Performance Transmissions.
Be sure to read part one if you haven’t already.
Question 6: How much wear-and-tear does towing put on a normal, un-modified automatic transmission? Can a transmission rebuild or valve body kit reduce this wear-and-tear? If so, how?
An Interview With Import Performance Transmissions – Part One
At the request of Charles, a reader, we contacted Import Performance Transmissions to learn more about their performance transmission options for the Toyota Tundra.
Why Install After Market Shocks on your Toyota Tundra?
Why change the stock shocks on your Toyota Tundra for a set of aftermarket units? There are actually several reasons why so many truck owners elect not to return to factory components when it comes time to replace their damping system. Let’s take a look at some of the top reasons why aftermarket shock replacements are so common.