All Entries in the "Toyota Tundra Accessories" Category
Tinting Your Truck Windows – Toyota Tundra Tint Tips
Few accessories set off a pickup truck quite like tinted windows – especially if you live in a hot climate. Tinting the windows of your Toyota Tundra can be one of the most cost effective truck modifications you will ever make, and not just from an aesthetic perspective. Tinted windows can keep the Sun out of your truck’s passenger compartment and combat the “greenhouse effect” that can raise inside temperatures, and they’re also great for boosting vehicle privacy.
How exactly are windows tinted? There are two basic approaches to the process. The cheapest is to use do-it-yourself window tinting film, which is designed to either use static cling to affix itself to your windows or is meant to be applied with a soapy solution in order to form a bond against the glass. With a lot of hard work chasing out air bubbles and cutting the film so that it is the proper size, passable results can usually be obtained for at least the first few weeks. However, this type of tint tends to mark up easily, a fact which is only made worse by the rolling up and down of windows. After a few months, the typical do-it-yourself tint will look tattered, torn, and faded (usually turning a slight purple color).
photo credit: Grumpy Chris
Check out this Mini’s dark and mirrored hybrid tint film – very sharp.
A far better option is to visit a local and reputable window tint shop.
After-Market Truck Wheels – Materials and Methods Explained
When choosing a wheel for your truck, sometimes the number of different options can seem overwhelming. Not only are there many different designs and brands to choose from, but the way the wheels are manufactured, and the material used, are important as well. This article deals with common materials and manufacturing methods – we’ll have something on wheel finishes a little later.
Here’s a break-down of common wheel materials and manufacturing methods:

Steel wheels are great for trucks because they're cheap and strong.
Steel wheels are the most basic and inexpensive type of rims available. Steel wheels are usually stamped out by a press in two different pieces and then welded together. This makes them easy to repair, which isn’t usually a major concern because steel is a very strong material. Of course, steel is also very heavy. The large un-sprung weight of steel wheels can have a significant negative impact on suspension performance, not to mention acceleration and fuel mileage.
Transfer Flow Extended Range Fuel Tanks For The Tundra
There are times when your work or leisure activities might take you a fair distance away from the closest gas station. If you find yourself frequently exploring off-road trails, working on a large farm property or making long-distance drives through isolated areas, then you are probably all too familiar with that sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach as you nervously eye the fuel gauge nearing empty. While it is always a good idea to carefully plan fuel stops along a long drive, not every eventuality can be planned for, and this can introduce a degree of uncertainty when it comes to fuel consumption.

Extend the range of your truck with a bigger fuel tank.
Fortunately, there are a few options available to extend the range of your Toyota Tundra.
Bully Dog Backup Sensor System
Owning a truck means having to add an extra layer of care when you are operating it around other people. Let’s face it – your Tundra is pretty big, and it’s easy for a person or pet to hide in a blind spot while you are backing up or turning around. Not only can it be difficult to see people who are located directly behind you, objects that are low to the ground like stumps, fire hydrants and lawn equipment also pose a different kind of menace to your truck. No one wants to have to explain a dent on the rear bumper or a damaged differential when the entire incident could have been avoided in the first place.
Unless your Tundra had a backup system installed at the factory, one of the best ways to improve your peace of mind while backing up is to install a backup warning system. Now, when most people hear the phrase “backup warning system” they get an image of a beeping semi-truck as it backs out of the supermarket parking lot. While these systems still exist and are required on commercial vehicles, modern technology has updated our ability to avoid unnecessary collisions through the use of advanced techniques previously only used by the military.

Bullydog's Backup Sensor costs anywhere from $100-$200, making it an inexpensive accident avoidance accessory.
An example of such progress is the Bully Dog Backup Sensor System.
Tommy Gate G2 Tundra Liftgate
Loading equipment, supplies or other heavy gear in and out of your Tundra can be a back breaking experience. Even with the tailgate lowered or removed, it’s still not always easy to lift the items you need to haul up over the bumper and deposit them safely in the truck bed. Sometimes you will luck out and be able to back right up to a loading dock that is just the proper height, but most of the time you are on your own when it comes to the heavy lifting.

Toyota Tundra with a Tommy Gate
Tommy Gate realizes that there are certain loads that weight too much to be safely loaded using muscle alone. They also know that not everyone has access to a forklift or other mechanical helper when it’s time to pack up the truck. This is why they developed the G2 Dual Drive liftgate.