EPA Gives Final Approval for E15 Blend

The Environmental Protection Agency has given its final approval for 15-percent ethanol blends for sale at all consumer gas stations nationwide effective immediately. Sounds like good news for flex-fuel drivers, yet there are still some roadblocks and industry criticism.

EPA Gives Final Approval for Ethanol E15 Blend

While E85 has been out for a while, the EPA has given its final approval to E15.

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Truck Paint Color Not to Choose

Sometimes it seems we like to really know too much about our cars. In fact, we spend millions of dollars on research to answer our questions. Vital questions like what paint color attracts the most bird poop?

Truck Paint Color Not to Choose

Hmm... Might want to get that cleaned up before you drive it.

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All Known 2009 Toyota Tundra Problems

As part of our ongoing series of handy resource guides, here are all the known 2009 Toyota Tundra problems.

2009 Toyota Tundra Problems

Here is a handy list of all known 2009 Toyota Tundra problems.

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More Plastic Delivered to a U.P.S. Truck

While plastic automotive applications has a love/hate relationship among many automotive enthusiasts is more plastic the future? Seems that U.P.S. thinks so.

More Plastic Delivered to a U.P.S. Truck

Is the future a truck made completely of plastic?

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How Much Does Car Repair Cost in Your Area?

A recent study has found that car repair varies throughout the country and that overall repair costs are dropping. How does your area measure up?

How Much Does Car Repair Cost in Your Area?

How much does the average check-engine light repair cost for your area?

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