All Entries in the "Toyota Tundra Accessories" Category
Review – The GoPro HD Motorsports Hero
High quality in-car video used to be the exclusive province of either professional race teams or enthusiasts with unlimited gadget budgets. This is no longer the case thanks to a number of advances in the world of miniaturization over the past several years and the emergence of company’s like GoPro. GoPro offers a range of different automobile-oriented camera systems at very affordable prices, with the most impressive in terms of video quality being the HD Motorsports Hero.

The video above shows video taken from an outboard mounted GoPro HD camera on a 1st-generation Tundra with a ton of add-ons…hopefully we can feature this truck soon.
GoPro HD Motorsports Hero
The GoPro HD Hero is a camera about the size of a small deck of cards that is capable of taking 1080p, 960p and 720p HD wide angle video at either 30 or 60 frames per second. The camera features an internal battery that offers 2.5 hours of recording time before it needs to be recharged again, and it saves each digital video file onto an SD card (up to 32GB). The camera can also be used as a standard digital still photo camera, and can even be set up to take time-lapse photos. It retails for less than $200 Having been designed with a specific purpose in mind — sports video — the GoPro Hero is perfect for such a task..
Mounting Options

GoPro HD Motorsports Hero with mounting gear.
The HD Motorsports Hero cam comes with a number of adhesive mounts, a suction cup mount, a buckle mount and a pivoting arm that allows the device to be aimed.
Gift Ideas For Truck Owners – 2011 Edition
Christmas gift idea lists are a plenty during this time of year, so what’s one more. Well, the MOST IMPORTANT gift idea list obviously. That’s right, this one is for your truck.

The Lund Bi-Fold Ramp makes loading heavier objects a breeze.
But before we get on with our list of ideas, here’s a note from one of our sponsors:
For the holiday season, is offering big discounts on parts, free shipping, AND cash back on orders over $199.
»Get $30 off $399 w/code KEEP30 at AutoAnything. Ends 12/30/11. Restrictions apply.
1) Lund Bi-Fold Loading Ramp. Are you constantly loading and unloading your pick up bed? Getting tired of lifting boxes each time one of your ‘friends’ asks you to help them move. Then get this cool loading ramp to make the job easier.
5 Cheap Gift Ideas for Truck Owners – 2011 Edition
Looking for some quick and easy gift ideas for the truck owner in your family? Here you go, our top 5 cheap gift ideas.
LED Replacement Headlights – Worth The Cost?
LED lights and bulbs have begun to creep into almost every area of our lives, and automotive illumination is no exception. Typically, the LED lights found on cars and trucks are used either as brake lights or running lights, as well as interior accents. The aftermarket, however, has been a bit braver in seeking out new applications for exploiting this particular lighting technology, with LED replacement headlights now appearing for several different vehicle brands. Companies like Hamsar are offering plug-and-play replacement LED headlights, including a full housing, for a range of older vehicles that use a sealed beam design.

Hamsar LED replacement low-beam headlights promise big savings - it's a mystery how they arrive at the $430 savings number
LED Headlights – Is There An Advantage?
What are the purported advantages of LED headlights?
Fuel Doctor – Long Term Test Results
>> Be sure to check our official Fuel Doctor review post to see if it really works!
Guest Post By Toby of Tundra Fuel Economy blog.
May 2nd, 2011 – At this point the Fuel Doctor has been installed and tested for only a little more than 5,300 miles. During that time I have tracked my fuel economy using both my Scanguage and the tried and proven method of miles driven divided by gallons pumped to full. Each time I refuel I try and use the same pump in order to minimize pumping variances and I always fill the tank full.
Here is the raw data from the testing so far: