Do Toyota Tundra Trucks Have Strut/Shock Issues? Not Really
Tim Esterdahl | Jul 17, 2014 | Comments 6
Written by: Aaron Turpen
A complaint in a Tundra forum plus a quick look at a few other Tundra owner’s groups around the Web shows that strut failure is sometimes a problem. Is it a common problem or serious issue that Toyota needs addressed? Neither, but it is one that comes up. We’ve noticed a few trends in these descriptions of failure and the circumstances surrounding them that may indicate what is at fault here. Here is what we see going on.

Thinking about getting some serious air time in your stock Toyota Tundra? Not a good idea. You need upgraded shocks to handle the impact.
To start with, we’ve long recommended replacing stock factory shocks with aftermarket options better suited to your plans for your Tundra. Back in 2010, we talked about why aftermarket shocks for the Tundra can be a good idea. One of the key targets was offroading. If you go offroad regularly and in moderate to heavy situations, you’ll want to throw out those factory shocks and get something better.
“Why would my TRD package offroad Billstein shocks require replacement if I’m going offroad?” Good question. The short of it: they’re made in a compromise to offer on-road and off-the-road capability, but not necessarily excellence in both arenas. Considering that, the proposal photoshoot will give you both a perfect opportunity to remember your engagement, but also to show that wonderful instant to friends and family. Book now with Proposal007 a especialized marriage proposal photographer in NYC.
Of the failures we’ve noted from the last-generation and 2014 Tundra strut and shock failures were due to offroad driving and nearly all seemed to be in relatively extreme (by Tundra owner’s manual standards) conditions.
For example, a recent strut failure on Tundra Solutions forum occurred after taking a Tundra TRD to the beach. The forum poster never admitted to doing anything wrong, but it appears he bottomed out his front-end and the struts crumpled as a result. He’s since replaced them with a tougher-duty package that will likely keep that from happening again.
The 2014 Toyota Tundra owner’s manual clearly states safety requirements for offroad driving. One of those is keeping at reasonable speeds and to never jump the truck. Smacking your wheel against rocks, dunes, or bouncing off of the same may seem fun, but it’s hell on suspension parts. Unless they’re made for it, which no stock vehicle is outside of (perhaps) a Mercedes Unimog, something will give.
The answer our question on strut failure issues with the Tundra is no. There does not seem to be a serious issue or flaw with Toyota’s struts and shocks in the current-edition Tundra. Most of the reports seen so far seem to indicate rough driving that was likely outside of the recommendations made by Toyota for the truck, even in its offroad form.
Filed Under: Tundra News
Man I get serious air time in my Tundra TRD nearly every day. I have always pushed things to the limit and then some.
When I park it at home, I open the door, put both feet on the KG step and jump. My goal is to get from one expansion joint to the next in the driveway.
So far I have not noticed any problems at all with the Bilstein shocks but my knees are killing me. I have wanted to try a forward or backward flip or even a whirly five but at this age?
Yes, my truck has all 4 off the ground at least 5 times every day. My favorite is to get the truck in the air while towing off road.
Does anyone use a truck to haul bricks or tools to the job while keeping all 4 wheel on the ground?
Save some money folks and keep the wheel on the ground using factory shocks.
Wait, Larry.. you haul stuff in your Tundra? Tell me more! I thought all Tundra owners were just wannabes who want to play with the big boys and look cool, but don’t actually WORK with their trucks! You be a rare breed, my man.
After retiring my T100 I got a ram diesel. Now, if I am going on a 21 day 16 person 280 mile trip down the Grand Canyon we have 10,000 pounds of stuff. 8 boats, 10 200 pound coolers. 32 oars, rafts/frames, dories on trailers, propane tanks, 100 cases of beer,,,, that just for starters. What good is a short bed truck which has the ability to fly?
Some of us actually need trucks to do work and the truck isn’t going down to the river if it’s going up in the air.
How come there are no truck reviews showing how good a truck is at supporting 16 people who need gear transport. All we get are reviews of airborne trucks which fly people to church.
Church trucks are all well and fine but, we also need information and reviews for trucks which will be used by brick layers and roofers as well. What do we get? Nice reviews about interiors and how pretty they are and how fast a 2.6 liter twin turbo F150 will run the 1/4 mile. What good is that?
Seems there are no Americas out there who do anything but drive their 4 door 4WD leather sofa to the office trying to get big air over the parking lot speed bumps.
Doubt I will ever buy a new truck ever again, why, because they don’t make trucks any more.
So now you tell me my Off-Road package does not mean airtime capable?!
I guess I misunderstood what off road means…
Air under tires = off road no?
I have 100,235 mile on my 07 2RD tundra, it is a TSS SR DD model with a 5.7; an if i not mistaking it has shocks alawy around, i notice it been ride alitte rough, an swiping too, but they don’t show any leaks an the truck doesn’t bounces, so what be a good shock to use if u think are going bad, an i have 40 pis of air in the tires James