All Entries in the "Tundra Videos" Category
Toyota TRD Pro Racing Video – Ivan ‘Ironman’ Stewart Vs. NASCAR Drivers
Toyota is really ramping up the marketing around the offroad capability of its new TRD Pro series of vehicles. Check out this great advertisement with NASCAR drivers and the Ironman, Ivan Stewart.

Cadillac CTS-V vs Supercharged Toyota Tundra
We came across a cool video of a drag race between a Cadillac CTS-V vs a Supercharged Toyota Tundra. Who knew a Tundra could go that fast!

From the video’s description: Drag Race video of a Supercharged Cadillac CTS-V against a TRD Supercharged Toyota. The CTS-V is powered by a Supercharged 6.2 liter LSA that is modified with a pulley, tune and cold air intake. The V8 Tundra has a TRD supercharger, ASP Pulley, Killer Chiller, Caltracs, Shift Kit and Cheater Slicks.
Toyota Tundra Headlight Modifications – Headlight Revolution
There are a new series of Youtube videos covering making headlight modifications on your Toyota Tundra. They are by a company called Headlight Revolution and we have included the first few on this post. You should check them out for some interesting modification ideas. Logo projectors anyone?

The Right Way To Unload A Flatbed
Sure, you could unload this the “traditional” way, but this method is so much easier.

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Toyota Tundra Tested on West Texas Ranch
In what could possibly be the coolest video ever, Toyota gave an independent cattle rancher in West Texas a Toyota Tundra to use as a 3/4 truck for 100,000 miles THEN tears it down to have engineers inspect every part to see how it did. How’d it do? As the rancher says, “It is just a better built truck. It’s that simple.”