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The Best 2007 Toyota Tundra Videos

When cruising thru the Tundra forum last week, we found a Tundra video list posted by vanlong that was AWESOME.

Every video we’ve ever liked is their, plus a few we’ve never seen.

Here are some of our favorites (in no particular order):

Tundra v. Ram Tug of War – strap a Toyota to a Hemi Ram and see which won wins.

Racing TRD Tundras – a little long, but it’s cool.

0 to 60 then back to 0, then giggling.

Our Toytec Lift Kit Install Video — shameless self-promotion.

Getting a little muddy in S.C. (no rednecks were harmed in the making of this video)

Cool looking launch in the sand.

Thanks to forum member vanlong for posting — you’re the best! We didn’t include any commercials — see his post here for those and some reviews as well.

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