All Entries in the "" Category
Tamiya Toyota Tundra Conquers Snowy Landscape
Surrounded by some beautiful wintry scenery, the Tamiya Toyota Tundra handles all the different terrain challenges thrown at it. Albeit, it handles everything it is capable of handling for the type of truck it is.

Smart USA fires back with a Poop Chart?
Apparently, Smart USA doesn’t take kindly to people knocking it for being frail as blogger Clayton Hove learned. He joked on Twitter. com that he ” Saw a bird had crapped on a Smart Car. Totaled it.” Smart USA responded with an impressive Infographic.

Smart USA's unusual response to a Twitter comment. Note to Twitter users, before careful what you say, you might get pooped on.
It’s a Car, It’s a Truck, It’s a What the Heck is That, Truckcar!
Quite possibly the most “odd-custom” vehicle ever built, we bring you the Grand-International-Truck-Am, a truckcar obviously. And it’s for sale on Craigslist for only $3,000.

A glorious (?) combination, the truckcar is very versatile.
Catching a Golf Ball in a Moving Mercedes
Not really sure how they came up with this trick or if it actually is a world record, but Mercedes claims to have set a world record with this amazing catching of the golf ball footage.

Hot Wheels Team Stunts
At the suggestion of reader LJC, here is a cool Hot Wheels Team video for everyone. We must admit, it is pretty cool.