All Entries in the "Auto News" Category
Higher Fuel Efficiency = Higher Taxes
All the talk of creating more fuel efficient vehicles and more alternative fuels being used could have a negative impact on the government’s fuel tax which could mean taxpayers would have to make up the difference.

More fuel efficient vehicles will mean people spending less in gas which also means less Government tax revenue. Seems we will always pay for gas in the end.
Toyota Posts Big April Sales Increase
Toyota has released their 2012 April sales numbers and they are big. How big? How about a 25.5 percent increase over last year!

Toyota posted a large sales increase in April versus the prior year led by the strong selling Prius and Camry.
GM Wants to Partner with Isuzu Again
Reaching way back in its past, GM has reportedly decided to buy a 10 percent stake in Isuzu. Remember how well their last partnership worked out with the LUV? See the video below. What cool (!) truck will come out of this rekindling?

Advertised Fuel Economy Lies Growing Larger
A recent study done on European cars has confirmed what we already knew, the disparity between advertised and real gas mileage has grown larger over the years. Surprised?

Do we all believe the advertised mileage stickers still? Nope, not really.
Which is Better – Electronic or Mechanical Throttle Controls? Ford Taurus Throttle Investigation Underway
When the L.A. Slimes inspired panic and distrust of Toyota’s electronic throttle control system back in 2009, many people said that Toyota should stop using all these electronics and just stick with a good old fashioned mechanical throttle. Toyota was being “too fancy” using electronics to control the throttle, and as a result the media (none of whom have ever turned a wrench or written a piece of software) found fault with Toyota’s “overly complicated” system.

NHTSA investigating 1.9 million Ford Taurus models for cruise control throttle cable problems
Of course, the problem with this particular bit of logic is that cables can break too. Just ask Ford about 1.9 million of their Taurus models being investigated by NHTSA.