All Entries Tagged With: "toyota tundra sales"
April 2016 Truck Sales – Tacoma on Fire, Tundra Holds Steady
Another month of sales results for 2016 and a similar story. Once again, Toyota Tacoma sales grow while the Tundra treads water and was even out sold by the Chevy Colorado.

The Toyota Tacoma continues to sell well, while the Tundra holds steady.
U.S. Ford F-Series Annually Crushes Toyota Tundra Sales And Nobody Cares
Editor’s note: This post was inspired by a reader email that echoes a commonly held – yet completely uninformed – point of view.
Each year, U.S. Ford F-series sales crush the total sales of the Toyota Tundra and nobody, I repeat NO ONE, at Toyota really cares. Why? How can that be? Gasp, why wouldn’t Toyota want to be the GREATEST truck maker in North America?!? Simple. It doesn’t make any sense and the “Best Selling Truck in America” name isn’t accurate. Here’s why.

This Ford F-650’s sales numbers compete against the half-ton Toyota Tundra’s sales numbers.
May 2014 Full Size Truck Sales – Tundra Continues Growth
The sales numbers are in for May, 2014 and the Toyota Tundra and Ram Trucks were the big winners
Toyota Tundra January 2014 Sales Up – Others Down
Toyota has reported their January 2014 vehicles sales and the Toyota Tundra was up over the previous year. With an assortment of the others showing sales drops, this could mean demand was actually much greater than the sales report shows. Much of the downswing is blamed on cold weather.

The Toyota Tundra’s January 2014 sales were up, while much of the competition was down. This tells us that demand is quite strong.
Toyota Tundra Sales Right on Track – November 2013
Toyota released its sales results for November 2013 today, December 3, and the Tundra is meeting its goals. Can it sustain the momentum or is the sales trend just a result of a hot truck market?

Toyota has the sales of its fullsize truck right on track where it wanted it.