All Entries Tagged With: "baja 1000"
2015 Toyota TRD Pro Desert Race Truck WINS Baja 1000 Race
We just received word a few hours ago that the Toyota TRD Pro not only finished the Baja 1000, it won!

The most telling photo of the bunch shows the carnage from the 36-hour race.
Tundra Goes Ice Fishing In Russia, Gets Ready For Baja
Here are a couple of international flavor Tundra videos for you: the first shows a Tundra doing an absurdly deep (and ice covered) mud bog run, the second shows a glimpse of the official Tundra Baja race truck.

In Russia, muddin’ is never warm.
2015 Toyota Tundra Pro Desert Race Truck – What You Need to Know
Toyota is serious about showing off the reliability and looks of its Tundra Pro with a big booth at the 2014 SEMA show and an entry into one of the most grueling off-road races in the world. Here is what we know.

While Ford snuck in a new F-150 into the race, Toyota is making a big deal about their entry.