Motor Trend Likes F150 Despite Tundra Being Better
Here’s a new one – Motor Trend’s recent 2009 F150 vs 2009 Toyota Tundra comparison found that the Tundra had the following advantages:
- The Tundra handled better.
- The Tundra had more visibility.
- The Tundra had more room.
- The Tundra had more power.
- The Tundra was a better towing rig both up and down the hill.
- The Tundra was less expensive.
The winner? Why the F150 of course! I’m not making any of this up folks – all of that info was in the article.
Putting Toyota’s Big Loss In Perspective
If you’ve been paying attention to automotive news in the last week, you’ve undoubtedly heard that Toyota lost an obscene amount of money in the first quarter – $7.7 billion to be exact. Toyota was quick to point out that this loss is against a $3.3 billion profit in the previous three quarters, resulting in a $4.4 billion loss for the 2008 financial year. (NOTE: Toyota’s financial year ends after the first quarter.) Worst still, Toyota anticipates losing about $5.5 billion for the coming year.
Toyota’s Loss is Big, But Don’t Let Anyone Fool You
photo credit: Andres Rueda
In other words, Toyota lost a lot of money last year and they’re planning on losing a lot of money this year too. Considering the fact that Toyota hasn’t had an operating loss since 1950, this is a big deal. Toyota has taken sweeping action with tremendous production cuts, cost cutting measures, and most recently announcing that they’re going to fire half of their corporate management team.
However, before anyone starts worrying about “Toyota being the next GM,” here’s some perspective: Read more…
Black and Decker Electromate 400
It’s happened to almost anyone who lives in a cold climate. One day, you go out to start your car or truck and all you get when you turn the key is a weak whirring sound from under the hood, a click from the starter relay – or nothing at all. Whether it is because the dome light was left on, an accessory was plugged in all night, or simply the result of a battery giving up the ghost in very cold weather, the end result is the same: you’re not starting under your own power.

Black and Decker's Electromate 400 is a nifty emergency battery.
Jumper cables are the obvious option (and everyone should have some in their vehicle), but sometimes when you need a jump-start there is absolutely no one around who can help you. Jumper cables also require a vehicle that can maneuver close enough to your front end to make a solid connection – which is hard sometimes when you’re driving a big bad truck and all your friendly Samaritan has is a little econo-box. There’s also the fact that some cars just don’t have the juice to jump a big vehicle. But there’s some good news here…
Improvements in battery technology over the past couple of years have created a new class of product that enables people to jump-start their own vehicles without the need for third-party assistance. Read more…
Shopping For a Toyota Tundra in The Current Recession Climate
Before you walk into your dealership to make a new Tundra purchase, it’s worth taking a few moments to consider where the line stands at the moment, how Toyota is faring against the competition in the current industry crisis, and how the economic recession can work to the buyer’s benefit.
Since the 2010 Toyota Tundra has been slightly updated over the 2009, there are some differences to highlight:
– The 2009 model, which is still widely available, is offered in three styles of cab with three wheelbases, three bed lengths, three engines, and three trim levels. This essentially means customers can go from a 236 hp, 4-liter V6 in a standard or short-bed double cab to a 381-hp 5.7-liter engine. Maximum towing capacity in the line is 10,800 lbs and maximum bed length is 8.1 feet.
– Little of that has changed for 2010, but there is a new mid-range power choice, a 4.6-liter V8 (310 hp, six-speed automatic) with the line-topping 5.7-liter V8 offered on the CrewMax Limited models. All other changes for 2010 are cosmetic including billet-style grille, chrome bumpers, door still protectors, and unique 20-inch wheels — all part of the Platinum package.
Consider this a viable bargaining point. It’s highly likely a 2009 model will meet your needs at a potentially reduced price, since inventory reduction has been at the heart of Toyota’s strategy in recent months. Read more…
GPS Vehicle Tracking Device Basics
Imagine if someone could track your truck’s every movement, every second of the day, no matter where you were driving in the world. Not only that, but imagine if they could keep a complete record of where you had been and for how long. It sounds like something out of a science-fiction movie, but thanks to GPS technology, it’s a reality for any driver.
GPS stands for Global Positioning System, which uses a network of satellites orbiting the earth to provide detailed location information to those with a receiver that can access their data stream. Initially put into place by the US military decades ago, GPS can be used to pinpoint a location with a startling degree of accuracy. Most people are familiar with the use of GPS as a navigational aid, in the form of hand-held or vehicle-mounted systems that combine the positioning service with mapping software to help keep drivers or hikers from getting lost. GPS is also a boon to marine navigation, providing a much more foolproof method getting from point A to point B on the ocean when compared to standard charts. However, GPS can be employed in a few other functions, some of which are fairly cloak and dagger. Read more…