2015 Toyota Tundra What to Expect – 2014 Shortfalls?
For many Toyota Tundra fans the 2014 re-design was a huge disappointment, what does that mean for the 2015 edition? The truck landscape is going to change dramatically in 2014, will Toyota respond? If so, here is our list of changes we see or would like to see.

What do you want to see in the 2015 Toyota Tundra? Here is our list.
Hybrid Technology Kills Diesel Demand in U.S.
Ram and Chevy have introduced new diesel-powered cars and trucks, yet improved gasoline and hybrid engines are hitting the market too. With improved hybrid engines, is the 2013 diesel revolution dead before it began?

The diesels are coming, the diesels are coming! Is the hybrid engine going to kill their demand?
Ram Owners Manuals Being Translated Into Italian
As you all know, Fiat is working to obtain 100% ownership of Chrysler-Jeep-Ram this year. As negotiations continue, Fiat is beginning to prepare for 100% ownership in a few ways:
- They’re continuing to restructure their holdings in Europe in an effort to balance world-wide manufacturing capacity
- They’re holding “Lavoratore Indottrinamento” management meetings at all key facilities, with the aim of breaking down cultural barriers between American and Italian executives, engineers, and plant managers
- Most incredibly, they’re working furiously to translate all Chrysler, Jeep, and Ram vehicle owners manuals into Italian, so that manuals can be printed in both languages by the end of the year.
Why, you ask, must owner’s manuals be in both English and Italian? There’s a little-known Italian law that mandates all Italian corporations must produce consumer materials in Italian, even if the materials aren’t for Italian consumers. Read more…
Ford Sued Over Unintended Acceleration Vulnerability – Sound Familiar Toyota?
Ford was sued on Thursday, March 28, 2013 by 20 consumers looking to get compensated by Ford for cars and trucks they say were “vulnerable to unintended acceleration“. Wait, isn’t that just a Toyota problem. Apparently not!

Ford has been sued over cars and trucks that are “vulnerable to unintended acceleration.” Not just a Toyota issue it seems.
Press Fleet Ram Catches Fire – Worker Sabotage To Blame?
Dallas Morning News contributor Terry Box had a pretty exciting vehicle review recently. He was driving a brand new Longhorn Edition Ram 1500, when other motorists started to waive and gesture at him frantically. The problem? His brand new press fleet Ram was burning.
By the time he got pulled over and out of the truck, the vehicle was quickly engulfed. See the story here.

Brand new Ram burns to the ground – sabotage at play? Image from Dallas Morning News
The question is, was this “a one-in-a-billion situation” as described by Ram CEO Fred Diaz, or is this problem a result of reported worker sabotage at Ram’s Warren Truck Assembly Plant? Read more…