All Entries in the "Toyota Tundra Accessories" Category
Intro-Tech and Covercraft Sun Shades – Overkill or Luxury?
If you spend any time at all flipping through parts catalogs or browsing internet auto parts shops, one thing eventually becomes clear: pretty much anything you can imagine as an accessory for your truck has already been designed, built and put on sale at a hard to resist price. Want LED lights for you windshield washers? They’re out there. Want to dangle a nasty representation of the male anatomy from your trailer hitch? It’s a mouse click away from being shipped to your house. The array of products available for the Tundra is really quite impressive, and it represents a very large market of people that are looking for ways to make their trucks nicer and easier to enjoy.

Custom sun shades are a nice accessory, but they might be overkill.
Sometimes, however, you run across a product that at first seems to make sense but after a little bit of research turns out to be impressively over-engineered and over-priced for the task at hand. The Covercraft Car Sun Shade and Intro-Tech Automotive Windshield Sun Shade might fall into this particular category.
A Screen For Your Truck’s Rear Window
Sometimes the aftermarket comes up with an idea for vehicle customization that is so popular it eventually becomes adopted by automakers as an option right from the factory. Sliding rear pickup truck windows are a perfect example. A simple concept that took a long time to be adopted across the entire industry, sliding rear windows are a great way to bring cool and refreshing air into a pickup’s passenger compartment. They can also be left open on a hot day to help keep internal temperatures down, or opened during a rainstorm while driving to help ventilate your truck without getting you wet.

At the right speed, opening your rear window is like turning a leaf-blower loose on your truck's interior.
But you already knew that. This is the part where you say “Ya ya sliders are great, but what about when they empty the contents of my pickup bed into my lap?“
Wet Okole Truck Seat Covers
Let’s face it – over the lifetime of your truck, chances are good that you’ll damage your seats. A lot of this is going to be unintentional – the occasional dropped cup of coffee, the mud during a surprise rain storm, or even the inevitable wear and tear on seat bolsters from climbing in and out of your truck. Of course, there is also the natural dirt and debris that finds it’s way into your truck as a normal consequence of not living in an hermetically-sealed bubble. This is doubly true if you introduce kids into the equation.
The tried and true solution to dealing with worn seats (or protecting new seats) is to install seat covers. For a large number of drivers, mention of the term “seat covers” evokes images of cheesy Hawaiian flower designs or ugly brown furry jobs held on with elastics that snake across the back of the seat. While those options might have been unavoidable in the 1970’s, modern seat covers have benefited from a quantum leap in both style and design.
In fact, seat covers aren’t just for covering up past mistakes anymore, they are also capable of protecting your seats from damage before it happens. Wet Okole seat covers are a perfect example of a premium-quality seat cover.
Off-Road Tire Basics and Buyer’s Guide
As with most specialty tires, when you’re looking to purchase a set of off-road tires, a lot of the knowledge you might have about standard street tires simply won’t apply. The tread styles, construction and size of off-road tires are quite different than what most people are used to, and it’s helpful to take a quick look at the basics of off-road tire design before heading to the local tire and wheel shop to have a set installed.
Almost everyone is familiar with the look of off-road tires – tall and aggressive. Even tires that are meant to fit on rims as small as 15 inches can be 30 or 33 inches in height (visit to see exactly which tire sizes will fit on your Tundra). A common misconception with larger tires is that the giant sizes are meant to provide extra grip and traction. While there is an off-road benefit in a tall sidewall (especially when you make the tire pressure artificially low), the main benefit to over-sized tires is that they get your truck up in the air as much as possible and boost ground clearance.
When it comes to boosting traction, there are two aspects of off-road tire design to consider: tread type and tire construction.
My Other Truck is a Thule Roof Top Cargo Carrier
If you have a car that you want to use to haul some “stuff,” this article is for you.
There was once a time when car owners who wanted to haul anything would have to borrow or rent a pickup truck. Cross-country moves and/or extended vacations would often entail renting a truck in order to handle all of the “stuff.” Naturally, the Swedish (a crafty and clever people) invented a way to avoid all this extra expense and inconvenience.
Thule, a company once known exclusively for their ski and snowboard racks, is at the forefront of extending the cargo capacity of the average automobile. How do they do it? The answer is through their line of cargo boxes, such as the Atlantis, the Spirit and the Boxter, are meant to attach to the roof of almost any car, big or small, and provide an extra dollop of cargo storage that is waterproof, windproof, and stable enough for extended trips. They”re kind of like trucks for car owners…except they can”t tow or haul more than a few hundred pounds and they don”t do off-road.
You take what you can get though, right?