All Entries Tagged With: "tundra monthly sales"
Toyota Tundra April 2014 Sales Report – Up Again
Another month passed and once again Toyota Tundra sales are strong. While the spring thaw has helped almost every truck maker to post better sales, Toyota’s continued surge means the critics were wrong – customers like this new truck.

The Toyota Tundra continues its sales streak of double digit increases.
Toyota Tundra January 2014 Sales Up – Others Down
Toyota has reported their January 2014 vehicles sales and the Toyota Tundra was up over the previous year. With an assortment of the others showing sales drops, this could mean demand was actually much greater than the sales report shows. Much of the downswing is blamed on cold weather.

The Toyota Tundra’s January 2014 sales were up, while much of the competition was down. This tells us that demand is quite strong.