All Entries Tagged With: "full-size truck towing"
Magic Towing Dust Explained, Sorta – The Fast Lane Truck J2807 Investigation
Our friends over at the The Fast Lane Truck, seriously Tim knows Roman personally, have filmed a couple of pretty interesting videos talking about the “magic towing dust” that manufactures have used to improve their towing capacity. The end result of the video investigation? Toyota does it right, the others do not.

The Fast Lane Truck took on the magic towing dust issue and here is what they found.
Toyota Wins Texas Distinguished Service Award – Truth in Towing
How important is telling the truth when others don’t? Apparently, so important that you get a “distinguished service award” like Toyota did for being the only automaker to be J2807 compliant.

Knowing exactly how much is safe to tow is vital for the safety of yourself and others around you. Toyota gets this and they were awarded for it.
Toyota Tundra J2807 Tow Rating Explained
Editor’s note: This post was written by request from our audience. Have a story you want to see? Send us an email and we will work on it.
The Toyota Tundra is the only full-size truck that uses the J2807 standard for determining its towing rating. What does that mean and how does SAE measure the rating?

When you tow a load in a Toyota Tundra, rest assured it will tow what it says it will.