We’re Going To SEMA in Less Than Two Weeks
I’m excited to announce that I’ll be attending SEMA alongside Mark, one of the behind-the-scenes guys here at TundraHeadquarters. We’re going to be taking pictures, shooting videos, and hopefully I’ll be interviewing some accessory manufacturers about their products.

SEMA, for those that don’t know, is one of the biggest auto shows of the year. Read more…
07′ Toyota Tundra Resale Value Jumps 17%
According to a recent press release issued by Edmunds.com, used car values are climbing. The reason? A lack of new vehicle production in 2008 and 2009 has led to an artificially shallow pool of used vehicles to choose from. This is good news for late-model vehicle owners everywhere…it’s been estimated that used car values will continue to climb for the next year or two.

Tundra resale value continues to lead the truck industry
What’s particularly interesting is that Edmunds.com found 07′ Tundra resale value jumped 17% between September 2009 and September 2010. This increase is significantly higher than the rest of the large truck segment – which only increased 9%.
Why did Tundra resale values increase? Probably for the same reasons that Tundra resale value has always been excellent: consumers trust Toyota quality and reliability, and because Toyota doesn’t issue massive cash rebates to help sell trucks like Ford, GM, and Chrysler-Fiat. Read more…
A DIY Guide for TRD Supercharger Installation – Video
Strapping on a TRD supercharger is a dream for many Toyota Tundra owners, but only the most dedicated gearheads out there will actually be able to combine the skills required and the time needed to install this power-adder themselves. Add in the fact that Toyota offers better warranty coverage for those who choose to have their superchargers put in by a dealer (5-years / 60,000 miles versus 12-months / 12,000 miles for a self-install), and the idea of a DIY supercharger installation isn’t quite as appealing as letting the pros handle the heavy lifting.
That being said, there are a number of resources available online which are designed to walk you through the steps required to slap a TRD supercharger on top of your Tundra’s engine. Even if you intend to farm out the mechanical details to the technicians at your local dealership, there is a lot that can be learned about the Tundra by watching and absorbing the wisdom contained in these guides. Read more…
10 Great Videos That Explain How Car Parts Work
It’s one thing to know how something works, but it’s another to be able to explain it. When I find myself struggling to explain the mechanical function of a turbocharger, for example, I often head to YouTube.com to see if I can find a nice video that explains it for me.
Here are 10 nice videos that explain how car parts work – everything from the basic 4-stroke engine to turbos to clutches to differentials – quickly and easily.
How A Rear Differential Works

This is an excellent explanation of how a rear differential works, produced by Chevrolet back in 1937. It’s a must-watch video if only because the explanation is conducted so clearly…but it’s not the only great video I’ve found. Read more…
Rob’s RBP CrewMax
When you find a company that identifies your truck and personality, you’ve got to jump on board. Rob has created a magnificent Tundra that could be a show truck for RBP (Rolling Big Power), a premium truck accessory manufacturer. Check it out: Read more…