Toyota Motions to Dismiss Electronic Throttle Lawsuits
Citing that no defects have ever been found in their electronic throttle systems, Toyota has asked the judge overseeing a nationwide lawsuit to dismiss the case (link). We discussed this lawsuit back in March, citing experts who predicted Toyota would have to pay as much as $10 billion in total damages if they lost this case.
According to Toyota: Read more…
Today Is Unofficial “Lobby For The Hobby” Day
I recently became aware of two things:
1. Hot Rod, Motor Trend, Four Wheeler, Off Road, and others (90 web and print properties total) are all owned by one company. I guess I should have paid closer attention.
2. Today, November 1st, 2010, is SEMA’s unofficial “lobby for the hobby” day, where anyone who is an avid automotive enthusiast is encouraged to think about recent regulatory changes that endanger automotive hobbies. For example:
- Changes in off-road access rules for federal lands
- Changes in federal fuel economy and emissions requirements
- Changes in state emissions laws (California, I’m looking at you)
While laws are always changing, the case could be made that the pace and direction of these changes has been “anti-automotive” over the last 2 or so years. SEMA and Source Interlink Media want you to think about these issues today, which just happens to be the day before election day.
Is this a legitimate gripe? Judge for yourself. Read more…
SpitzLift Cargo Bed Cranes Offer Easy Pickup Truck Loading
Your pickup might be good at hauling cargo, but one area where it almost certainly doesn’t shine is when it comes time to load or unload any of the gear you have stashed in the truck bed. With tall sides and a ride height that doesn’t exactly encourage OSHA-approved lifting practices, it can be a real pain to stuff your cargo bed with bulky or heavy items. Even solutions such as ramps can only do so much, as you then either have to transport a dolly with you or resign yourself to walking up and down a gangplank for the duration of the loading process…assuming you can push or ride whatever it is you need to load/unload.

The Spitzlift Crane makes loading and unloading a manageable task - even for one person trying to load a heavy sport bike
A company called SpitzLift has come up with a tool that aims to solve pickup loading problems in a compact and easy to operate package. SpitzLift’s main product is a small crane that can be mounted on your truck and assist you when it comes to filling or emptying your cargo bed. Read more…
Knowing When To Replace Your Shocks
Depending on how you drive your truck and where you drive it, you may not give your shocks a lot of thought. Since shocks tend to “wear” very, very gradually, people often aren’t aware that their shocks have gone bad until they’re told by the local dealership or auto shop.
As you undoubtedly know, shocks aren’t just a part that improves your vehicle’s ride. They’re an important piece of safety equipment as well. Shocks help to prevent front end dive under hard braking, helping to reduce the amount of force that the front brakes must dissipate and decrease stopping distance. For truck owners, shocks are also important because they help keep large loads (either towed or hauled) manageable during turns, bumps, etc.
You need good shocks to have a safe vehicle. The trouble is, most people – and a fair number of auto technicians – don’t really know when it’s time to replace a shock and when it’s not. There are a lot of simple, amateur tests that you can do to “prove” your truck may or may not need shocks (like the one in the video below), but these types of tests are usually only accurate when the shocks are already in pretty bad shape.

A better way to evaluate shocks is to look at how much hydraulic fluid they’ve leaked. Shock failure is caused by leakage. While a little bit of leakage is considered normal, once a certain amount of fluid has drained out – or if the fluid has leaked out of the shocks in a very specific way – then it’s time for new shocks.
Fortunately, Toyota has given their dealership technicians some clear-cut illustrations that explain when shocks need replaced…and we’re sharing them with you. Read more…
What Color is Your Tundra? (Survey)
According to PPG, silver is the world’s most popular paint color. According to PPG spokesperson Jane Harrington, silver is popular because “it’s offered on every single vehicle style…it really defines the shape and form of the vehicle…brings out all the lines.”
However, what’s the most popular color for the Toyota Tundra? Take the survey below and help us figure that out! Read more…