All Entries in the "" Category
Tundras of 2010 SEMA Show
Below is a small sample of the hundreds of photos I’ve taken at SEMA so far this week. Be sure to check out each one – every truck will be featured and described in greater detail in the future (assuming that I can contact the owners, that is).
First, a nice little video:

Now, some more photos so you can see the trucks in greater detail:
SpitzLift Cargo Bed Cranes Offer Easy Pickup Truck Loading
Your pickup might be good at hauling cargo, but one area where it almost certainly doesn’t shine is when it comes time to load or unload any of the gear you have stashed in the truck bed. With tall sides and a ride height that doesn’t exactly encourage OSHA-approved lifting practices, it can be a real pain to stuff your cargo bed with bulky or heavy items. Even solutions such as ramps can only do so much, as you then either have to transport a dolly with you or resign yourself to walking up and down a gangplank for the duration of the loading process…assuming you can push or ride whatever it is you need to load/unload.

The Spitzlift Crane makes loading and unloading a manageable task - even for one person trying to load a heavy sport bike
A company called SpitzLift has come up with a tool that aims to solve pickup loading problems in a compact and easy to operate package. SpitzLift’s main product is a small crane that can be mounted on your truck and assist you when it comes to filling or emptying your cargo bed.
What Color is Your Tundra? (Survey)
According to PPG, silver is the world’s most popular paint color. According to PPG spokesperson Jane Harrington, silver is popular because “it’s offered on every single vehicle style…it really defines the shape and form of the vehicle…brings out all the lines.”
However, what’s the most popular color for the Toyota Tundra? Take the survey below and help us figure that out!
We’re Going To SEMA in Less Than Two Weeks
I’m excited to announce that I’ll be attending SEMA alongside Mark, one of the behind-the-scenes guys here at TundraHeadquarters. We’re going to be taking pictures, shooting videos, and hopefully I’ll be interviewing some accessory manufacturers about their products.

SEMA, for those that don’t know, is one of the biggest auto shows of the year.
A Little Bit About Automotive Glass – Truck Tech
Reading Toyota’s official description of the 2011 Tundra, you’ll find the following lines about glass:
Standard High Solar Energy Absorbing (HSEA) glass helps filter solar heat and most UV (skin-sensitive) light energy entering the vehicle. This reduces occupants’ sun exposure, helps to keep the interior cooler and enhances durability of interior materials. Limited grade models receive standard IR-cut glass, further reducing solar levels.
The question is, What the heck are “High Solar Energy Absorbing” glass and “IR-Cut” glass, and how do they work?