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Russian Road Rage – Don’t Mess With Dimitri [VIDEO]
The following is a guest post by Oleg Gudonov.
In Russia, we have saying: Do not kick old man or you will need new knee and new windshield. It is new – my country just start saying it yesterday.
In video below, you learn why we have this saying:
Old man honking horn might have been out of line, but young man was huge jerk. Punch or two? No problem. Open door and start kicking? Big time jerk.
Prius vs Corolla – Which Makes More Economic Sense?
A frequent commenter here on (shout out to mk) posited an interesting thought: It makes more economic sense to buy a new Toyota Corolla than it does to buy a new Prius, because it would take years of driving and gas savings to recover the cost difference between the two.
Said another way, the $5500 price difference between the Prius and the Corolla buys a lot of gas. Right?
While I was completely inclined to agree with this idea, I decided it might be fun to run the numbers. Here’s how I broke things down.
Funny Friday Series – Ultimate Lego Car Crashes
Here at, we spend a lot of time trying to find interesting stories for our readers. Often though, we come across articles that don’t quite fit, but we really want to share. With that in mind, we have created a new Funny Friday Series. This occasional series will run from time to time. Please email us if you find a story that will fit. We hope you will enjoy these posts as much as we enjoy bringing them to you.

2013 Land Cruiser – Will Some Of These Features End Up On 2014 Tundra?
Toyota announced a virtual smorgasbord of new features for the 2013 Land Cruiser SUV including several features that could end up on the 2014 Toyota Tundra. These new features come as the Toyota Land Cruiser turns 60 and represents a combination of honoring its past plus new technology.

The 2013 Land Cruiser has an assortment of new features that has some wondering if they could end up on the 2014 Tundra.
How Much Sympathy Do Joggers or Bicyclists Deserve?
The pedestrian versus vehicle rights conflict on roadways was made painfully clear in West Seattle when a jogging pedestrian was struck by a semi and critically injured. When emergency workers arrived at the scene, they remarked on camera that the man should not jog to work. Their remarks were peppered with expletive insults. This has concerned joggers and bicyclists up in arms, but the question of how much sympathy the man deserves is still open for debate.