All Entries in the "" Category
Chrysler Gets Pride Hurt, Tesla Claims Brazen Loan Payback – Really!
In a world of instant communication and brand awareness, it seems Chrysler is pretty upset. Well, rather Chrysler is butt hurt actually at Tesla. This delightful story is full of great comments and more marketing nonsense than you can shake a stick at.
AutoNews Calls Toyota Tundra “A Bit Player”
Most often, journalists have an over tendency to spin things. Heck we do it from time to time (mainly to grab your attention), but twisting and inadequately covering a story is just bad journalism. Here is the rant.
Should the Legal Blood Alcohol Limit Be Lowered?
The NTSB has recommended that the nationwide, the blood-alcohol legal limit should be lowered. As a hard-working truck owner, what is your take on this? Should it be changed?

The NTSB has recommended lowering the blood-alcohol limit. Should it be lowered?bloo
2014 Toyota Tundra Buy or Wait – CAFE Regulations
With new 2014 Toyota Tundra coming out this fall, the question on a lot of journalists minds is will consumers by now or wait until the 2016 CAFE regulations start kicking in. This could be a tricky question for some consumers and could have unforeseen ramifications within the industry.

What should a truck consumer do? Buy now or wait until after the CAFE regulations.
Tundra Geeks Icon Shock Raffle
Our friends over at are running a new raffle for a really cool set of Icon shocks. This set includes the pieces to help you lift your 2000-2013, first and second generation Tundra owners. Head over there today and buy tickets for their raffle!

Tundra Geeks is having a raffle for a set of Icon Shocks.
They are also giving away prizes to 2nd and 3rd place winners. These prizes will be an Icon ball cap, tool bag and T-shirt Flag Pack.