All Entries in the "Auto News" Category
Tug-A-Truck Is For Dumb Fools
De gustibus non est disputandum is a latin expression that’s survived nearly 2500 years because it’s very, very wise: It means that “there’s no accounting for taste.” Many motor sports are a question of personal taste. While it has a huge number of fans, there are those out there who have no interest in NASCAR due to its relative lack of road courses. Likewise, IndyCar racing is often passed over by race fans thanks to the perception that it is missing the hardcore, door-to-door racing that is largely impossible due to its open-wheel format.
There are some types of vehicular competition, however, that would seem to be a universally bad idea – ‘Tug-a-truck’ is a perfect example.
Toyota and Aston Martin Partnership Opportunities
In an effort to meet European fuel economy and emissions standards, world-renowned Aston Martin is going to produce a high MPG mini-car called the Cygnet City Car. In order to preserve exclusivity, this vehicle will only be available to current Aston Martin owners.
Seeing as how Aston Martin isn’t in the mini-car business, they approached Toyota about re-badging the Toyota iQ.
The next Aston Martin. Seriously.
OK – so it’s likely a little more than a “re-badging.” Aston Martin is going to put their own personal touch on the iQ with interior and exterior refinements. However, they’re likely going to leave the powertrain intact in order to preserve the fuel economy rating of the iQ and the boost that will bring to Aston’s fleet.
Since Aston and Toyota aren’t natural competitors, and since Toyota is always interested in selling more vehicles, this partnership makes some sense. While there are some branding concerns on Aston’s side (some call it an abomination), it seems like a simple and logical way to help Aston’s fleet meet fuel economy and emissions regulations.
So, are there any other Toyota – Aston Martin partnerships worth considering?
Toyota Not Likely To Shutdown NUMMI
Last Friday Toyota announced that they may have to abandon NUMMI (New United Motor Manufacturing Inc.). A car plant in Northern California, NUMMI opened in 1984 and is jointly operated by GM and Toyota…or at least it was up until last Friday.
Toyota’s decision to make this announcement on Friday the 10th coincides with the “new” GM’s emergence from bankruptcy . While it’s a little complicated, here’s why that timing is relevant:
- As part of GM’s bankruptcy plan, a “new” GM was formed. The new GM got all the good, profitable assets.
- The “old” GM retains all the unprofitable assets.
- All the assets of the old GM will be liquidated over the next year or two.
- NUMMI is part of the old GM.
In other words, now that GM has officially abandoned NUMMI, Toyota is considering the same action…and who can blame them? A case can definitely be made:
Ford Drops F150 “SFE” Package
It feels good to be right about something at (since it happens so rarely). Back in September, 2008, we wrote a post about the F150 SFE (Superior Fuel Economy) package saying quote:
Toyota Making Bio-Diesel Investment in Philippines
Toyota and the Philippine government have reached a basic memorandum of understanding in regards to creating a bio-diesel production facility (see Manila Standard). This is only the first step in a very long process, but it represents an interesting investment on behalf of Toyota. Considering that Toyota is cutting costs everywhere, investing in a bio-diesel plant in this economic climate could only be justified if it was a strategic move.

Toyota invests in bio-diesel made from jatropha curcas.
First, a little background. Toyota’s bio-diesel investment will be a small scale jatropha curcas plantation and refinery. Depending on how the trial goes, Toyota may invest in a facility capable of producing 7 to 8 million gallons of bio-diesel per year. Toyota’s bio-diesel crop of choice – jatropha curcas seeds (also known as purging seeds) – are desirable number of reasons.