2000 Tundra With 415k Miles On Original Motor
Jason Lancaster | Aug 10, 2009 | Comments 36
Here’s a good story about a 1st-gen Tundra that will get your motor going. Mark, who is from Northern Minnesota (the land of extreme conditions) has a 2000 Toyota Tundra with 415k miles on the original motor and transmission.
“Just broke 415-K on my 2000 Toyota Tundra. Original motor and drive train. LOVE MY TUNDRA, take it everywhere for my nature photography work. AWESOME TRUCK! Thank you for building an incredible vehicle!”

2000 Toyota Tundra with 415k miles
Mark – congratulations! Anytime you can get 415k miles out of a pickup truck you’re doing great.
Thank you for sharing this picture with us as well – good luck with the nature photography.
Filed Under: Tundra News
Awesome! I knew someone that drove a Camry with incredible miles. Toyota featured the person in an article and also gave them a brand new Camry. Maybe Mark can get lucky too!!
Jason ask mark to take pics of his under carriage so we can see if he has rust. That many miles and it doesn’t have the rust state something there. Great he did that. Take care of the vehicle and it will keep on going like the energizer bunny.
This is cool, isn’t it? It’s nice to see this type of thing after seeing such a bad set of photos.
Mickey – That’s a very personal thing to ask man…I don’t think I feel comfortable. LOL!
I was thinking the same thing as Mickey so it would be interesting to ask!
You never know until you ask. All he can say is no. If he has no rust that would add to his 400k+ miles he has.
You guys missed my joke – “ask mark to take pics of his under carriage so we can see if he has rust.” I’ll send him an email to ask about his TRUCK’s undercarriage, but his personal undercarriage is his own business!
LOL I got your joke but we are totally interested in the truck rust so much we just blew you off. So sorry J!
Glad to hear everone’s enthusiam. I also park my truck outside in winter. NO engine heater/plug in…nothing! Last winter our coldest day was -38 degrees actual air temp, not windchill. She started up, no problem.
I also ice fish, wash it on occasion etc. As far as the undercarriage goes, still SOLID, even though I live in a state with LOTS of salt on the roads. Will post body shots in a few weeks. Too busy right now.
Take care, Mark
PS; How do I get this to Toyota Headquaters? I mean look at what I do for a living and all my sites: http://www.natureinblackandwhite.com, http://www.eaglelovers.com, http://www.wildmustangsite.com and http://www.markjharlow.com
This would be a great TRUE story. Any ideas?
Thank you in advance! Mark
I knew a few people awhile ago that had 250K plus on their geo metro 3 cylinder cars with same engine and tranny. Doubt they will last 400K+ though like your tundra. Unbelievable to me to have the same engine and tranny over 300K on anything, but the truck is only a 2000 model year so it really is not that old, only 9 years old. How in the world do you put 400K+ in 9 years? That is over 45K per year for 1 vehicle and I thought 35K per year on 2 vehicles was a lot for us. Keep it running and we’ll see you at the 500K mark.
I have over 65,000 and it’s an 07 just 2 years old. Trying to keep up with all that mileage that they put on.
Should have read “3 frames later the original motor has 400,000 + miles”. What good is a motor that last that long without a frame?
Anonymous you’re a bright one….Maybe 40 watts worth.
Anonymous – Please send us a picture of you standing in front of your truck. I’d like to post it here and then allow people to make snide remarks about it. OR, you could just act like a human being and bite your tongue when it comes to commenting on people’s personal trucks…either way.
Besides, I’d take that motor any day over the frame….the engine is like the heart of it all. Great job Mickey and Jason. Keep trucking, Mark!
Yes anonymous I did do that with the 78 Camaro I had. Had so much rust and holes in it, it look like swiss cheese. FInally got rid of it when I stepped in and my foot went through the floorboard. So yes I changed an engine with 123,000 miles out of that Camaro and put it in an 81 Monte Carlo.
I just purchased a 2005 Tundra 4X4 (SR5) from a buddy with 340K miles on it. He travels the Southeast so almost all of those miles are interstate. The truck is in unbelievable shape with no rust and original engine and transmission. I got it for my 16 year old son to drive around town and into the woods when we go hunting.
The Tundra is a great truck!
i have a 2000 tundra just rolled over 201,000 thousand. i really hope it will go over that 400,000 thousand. i know i will have to rebuild rear end again but motor and transmission is original. Keep on truckin
Tyler – Awesome!
I bought mine new 10-01-99….250k and going strong…..4×4 is not working but other than that it is a nice, nice truck…..
I have a 2000 tundra SR5 4×4 with 300,000….im hoping to get it to 400,000 like our friend mark….Keep asking toyota to pump out a series of the tundras like ford and dodge and chevy. ALSO…WHERE IS THE DIESEL AT?!!!
Curious to know how many timimg belts/tensioners/water pumps have you replaced in 400K miles?
’03 3.4L 2wd reg cab 221k mi. She’s a beast!!! For example, im only on my second second set of tires and still have plenty of tred left. Chevy ford, they chew up front tires for some reason. I just finally replaced my rear drums and shoes at 220k, I would have to say that’s not that uncommon but definitely in the minority., I stop and go all day, I would say 50-50 on highway miles vs. In town. Basically, the 3.4L engine is damage proof with the help of mobile1 and engine restorer every 3-4k since 50k miles. I did ignore my transmission fluid for over 100k mikes. No issues, I now have started to drain and refill what fluid comes out with every oil change just for good measure. if you actually read the knob of the dip stick for the transmission fluid it says “do not replace fluid under normally driving conditions” in fine print, I believe it after going over 100k without even pulling out the dip stick. ” Old reliable” like the article said. I would like to know how the tundra with 415k is running, and what he has done to it over the years. If your reading this, let us know
I thought I was doing good, 284K+ on a 2000 4.7L V-8, until I met a guy with 390K on a 2001. But I will admit that his had looked really, really abused over that time. I’ve replaced the front rotors once because I let the pads get too low. No wrecks or body damage (knock on wood!), and no rust – it had been undercoated, and I live in the south – no salt. The O2 sensors were replaced in a recall many years ago, and the gear shift lever (on the column) broke twice, real strange! I want a 4-door, but with now engine or tranny issue I really can’t justify it right now! I hope to make 400K+!. However I am starting to hear noise from the front suspension – you know the lifetime lube ball joints.
My 2005 Tundra 4-door is going strong with 342,000 miles on original engine and transmission. I love this truck. No rust or damage. Can’t wait to hit 400k.
Jerit, MiddleGA Jacket, and bill – Congrats and my compliments to you all. Toyota is good, but you guys are the reasons your trucks have lasted so long. It takes great ownership to get great durability.
Have 2006 Tundra, four wheel drive, 278K miles with only normal maintenance, brakes, battery, tires. Used heavily on the freeways here in Southern California and off road in the hills and deserts during bird hunting season.
My 2004 Tundra has just hit 400,000 miles. I use Mobil One every 4000 miles.Timing belt every 75k.Coolant system flush and transmission service every yr.
Only problem was lower ball joint collasped with front wheel departing the vehicle. Lucky for me it happened 5 miles BEFORE I entered I95!
Will give to my son in 2 years as his first vehicle with over 600k on it. Going for a million.
Roger – Awesome. Good luck.
I have a 2000 tundra with 227,000 which was the halfway point for Marks tundra. It said Mark lives in northern Minnesota, but I was wondering where? Because I live in MN also
Sorry to say, my transmission just went today at 265k miles. It’s an ’01 4×4 SR5, I’ve had the usual problems with replacing breaks, 02 sensors, etc. but now I need to decide whether to replace the transmission or buy a newer Tundra…tough decision…
Any thoughts are appreciated.
That is a tough decision. I would get an estimate prior to making a decision. Let us know how it goes.
I guess I should add: I bought it in ’06 with about 50k on it. Had it up north in the snow and salt for a little bit, so it does have some rust underneath. It’s been in the South the last 7 years or so. I don’t beat it up, but I do use 4×4 when I need it, and I change oil regularly, so other than they typical hole in the manifold which makes the infamous Toyota sound, the engine seems to be in decent condition.
Hey everyone. I’ve got 2001 V8 4×4 access cab tundra with 428,000 miles original motor and transmission. Runs great !!!! Can’t Wait to hit half million
I have a 2000 tundra 4.7 cyl v8 with 233000. Runs greats I hope mine goes for another 170k!!