The Sarge Is In Charge

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NOTE: Since we’ve asked people to submit their vehicles for consideration of being a Featured Vehicle, we’ve been inundated with requests. We’ve got a few to post, and we’re going in order of when we were contacted. Without further adieu, here’s our next featured Tundra.

Tundra Crew with Westin Bull Bar

Sgt. Morris’s kick-ass CrewMax.

The list of equipment on this vehicle makes it special enough, but we want to take a minute to say thank you to Sgt. Morris and every other U.S. service man and woman. Your sacrifices enable us all to enjoy political and economic freedom many people in world can only dream about. Thank you.

Back to business now. Starting with the exterior, the sergeant’s truck has nerf bars and a bull bar by Westin, a Dee Zee low pro black metal toolbox, a Line-X liner, an AVS hood deflector, and a ReadyLift leveling kit. The chrome offsets nicely with the Pyrite paint – it’s a good look.

Side view of the Sgt's Tundra

Inside, the coolest option is the Eclipse AVN 6600 in-dash DVD navigation system. It’s got everything the Tundra’s stock navigation system comes with, PLUS better sound, the ability to play DVD’s, and the cool factor when the display slides down and tilts forward to reveal the DVD slot. Combined with a set of Polk 6×9 speakers in the front doors, Polk 6.5’s in the rear, and Elipse 3.5″ speakers in the dash, it’s certain the sound is good. Good sound isn’t important if you don’t have good music, so this truck also has Sirius satellite radio. Finally, what Tundra is complete without a back-up camera? They’re not just for show you know – they save lots of time and effort when you’re hooking your trailer up.

Eclipse AVN 6600 DVD and Navigation System

The Eclipse AVN 6600 looks stock, but it doesn’t sound stock.

What’s the world come to – it used to be that a loud horn was considered THE option to have on your truck. What happened? They’re fun (ever scared your significant other when they’re walking in front of your truck by honking the horn? – it’s like that, but times 10), they’re easy to install, and they really get people to stand up and pay attention (that’s really important when you’re a Sgt., by the way). Some of Hadley’s air horns can be heard nearly a mile away – what’s not to love? Is this a new trend…Chrome Bull Horns under the hood?

Chrome air horns under the hood.

The next big thing?…Chrome Hadley air horns.

But it’s not all fun and games – under the hood, there’s a Volant air intake. TRD’s quality exhaust is underneath. In the bed, there’s a Line-X spray-in bed liner and a Dee Zee low profile black metal tool box. The Dee Zee box looks great – it’s not big and flashy – just solid and businesslike. The low profile is nice too – it gets the box out of site without losing any utility.

Dee Zee low profile black metal tool box.

Did you see the dual chrome tips?

Volant air intake. Hadley air horn.

The Volant air intake and a top view of that Hadley bull horn.

Thanks for submitting your truck!

Filed Under: Featured Vehicles

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  1. David Kent says:

    Hey, just wondering if you could contact Hadley and have him let me know how the Volant/TRD Dual exhaust are performing together? Going with the same set-up.

  2. David Kent says:

    Slick looking truck by the way!

  3. Keith Donohue says:

    Hey, nice ride! I’ve got an ’05 tundra DC and just bought a Hadley Bully under-hood kit. I was just curious to know where/how you tapped into a 20A circuit to power your horn? Everything I can find to tap into a circuit is only rated for 10A. Thanks – both for the info and for service to country!

  4. Mickey says:


  5. corey says:

    does your stock horn sound at the same time the airhorns do

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