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Toyota Exports Expand – It’s All About The Weak Dollar

Recently Toyota announced that it will be adding the Kentucky-built Camry to its growing list of vehicles it will be exporting to South Korea. This growth in exports, fueled by a weak U.S. dollar, means the thousands of American factory workers that Toyota employs will have increased job security and a stable income during a very difficult economy.

Toyota Exports Camry

Toyota is expanding its list of American Made Cars for export adding the Kentucky built Camry to the list.

All of these exports add up to big growth in U.S. economic sectors like manufacturing, customer service and transportation. and they could even start a hiring boom. SO, the next time someone says that so-called “foreign” automakers are killing America, you can explain to them that not only is Toyota building cars in the USA – they’re exporting carsĀ from the USA to other markets.

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