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Hypertech’s Speedometer Calibration Module

The Tundra’s ECU, or engine control module, administrates most aspects of your truck. Transmission shift points, air/fuel mixture, engine timing, and other performance settings are controlled by the ECU, as well as more mundane settings like overall tire size. In the world of after market parts, selling programmers that can change these ECU settings has become a big business. Factory engine calibrations usually emphasize things like emissions and fuel economy – change these factory settings (even slighty) and you can often add significant power.

Unfortunately for us, Toyota isn’t a fan of after market engine programmers. Toyota designed their ECU in a way that makes changing factory computer calibrations nearly impossible, even when it comes to changing the most basic of settings. Fortunately, when it comes to oversized wheel/tire packages or gear changes, Hypertech has come up with an in-line Speedometer Calibrator Module that allows you to compensate for your wheels and tires without having to re-program the ECU.

Hypertech Speedometer Hypertech inline calibrator

NOTE: To date, Hypertech is one of the only aftermarket tuner/programmer companies with Toyota Tundra applications. And, although the speedometer calibrator does just one of the many jobs we expect from this upgrade, the engineers at Hypertech are working on creating a programmer for the Tundra.

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