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Ford F-150 EcoBoost Problems: Shuddering, Power Loss & Limp Mode

UPDATE: We’ve been told that Ford has a fix for this problem coming ASAP. SeeĀ for the details.

In recent months, a growing number of Ford F-150 EcoBoost owners are reporting that their trucks can shudder and stall during normal use. In severe cases, some EcoBoost F150 owners have said that their trucks have suddenly gone into “limp mode,” where the engine loses almost all power.

Reports of EcoBoost shudder and power loss are coming primarily from humid states, such as Texas and Florida.

After reading numerous Ford truck forums, talking to various auto experts, and even talking to a couple of Ford technicians, this is what we’ve learned:

  1. Ford has a growing problem here, as the number of EcoBoost owners reporting issues isn’t getting any smaller
  2. Ford’s response to this problem has only served to anger afflicted EcoBoost F150 owners

Ford F-150 EcoBoost Problems

Search terms people used to find this page:

  • https://tundraheadquarters com/ford-f-150-problems-shuddering-power-loss-limp-mode/
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