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Product Review: Extang Solid Fold Tonneau Cover

Extang is one of the most well-known brands in tonneau covers. In fact, it’s one of the most popular Tundra accessories according to Mark, one of our readers, installed and reviewed an Extang solid fold tonneau for the Tundra.

Extang solid fold tonneau cover

The Extang Solid Fold is a very simple tonneau cover install that can be done by one person.

The kit itself is brutally simple – in fact, the installation instructions are only two pages(pdf). Because there’s no lock, no struts, no complicated brackets, you can put on the tonneau without any tools. Extang claims the tonneau cover can be installed in as little as five minutes, and it probably can be if you’re in a hurry. But 10-20 minutes is more reasonable if you’re interested in being careful to make sure it’s squared-up properly by measuring all corners a few times.

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