Another Dumb Silverado Owner?!

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A few months ago (February) we posted a video of a some “person” jumping his Chevy truck head-on into a dirt mound (video below) – along with another Chevy truck guy jumping his truck so hard he flipped it – and we asked “Are All Chevy Truck Guys This Dumb?‘ because these two videos were stupifying.

Imagine my surprise when there’s yet ANOTHER Chevy owner pulling off a stupid truck jumping trick:

Unbelievable. What’s worse, the truck actually broke on impact. Insert GM quality joke here.

Chevy guys – what the heck is going on?

Are Chevy Truck Owners Dumber Than Average?

Dukes of Hazzard style truck jumping

Are Chevy truck owners more likely to emulate the Dukes of Hazzard than normal people?

I can’t believe I’m asking this question seriously, because it seems stupid to ask it. Yet you can’t ignore the facts. First, we have the video above. Next, we have this little gem:

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What were they thinking?

Then we have this one:

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I *know* some Chevy truck owners. None of them are dumb. None of them would dream of doing this sort of thing…but it can’t be denied that we have three different videos of Chevy owners being ridiculously stupid. Is it a coincidence, or is there some truth to the idea that domestic truck owners are less sophisticated than Toyota truck owners?

What do you think – are Chevy guys dumb, or is the fact that Chevy products are featured in these videos just a coincidence?

Filed Under: Auto News


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  1. Dez says:

    Ford, dodge, chevy, or even Toyota, I think they were all AWESOME!!

    Especially the last one!

  2. Mickey says:

    I guess when you have money to burn you can do dumb things.

  3. Bobby says:

    Better yet, why not just give me the money that y’all are wasting, and give it to me, so I can buy a newer Tundra! 🙂

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