Tundra Makes Safety List Again

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Although not number one this year, the Toyota Tundra is listed as the number two safest full-bed pickup truck according to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. Last year, the Toyota Tundra was the Institute’s Top Safety Pick.

This year, Ford earned the Top Safety Pick designation with its F-150. Both the F-150 and the Tundra were the only two full-sized pickups to make the list.

This isn’t the first time Ford and Toyota have been neck and neck when it comes to safety issues. In fact, Tundra Headquarters did it’s own Ford F150 and Tundra comparison earlier this year. Our analysis rates the Tundra as a safer vehicle and if we were asked to do the comparison for the 2009 model, we’d still vote for the Tundra.

There are 72 cars and trucks on the safety list. Each car is tested using a crash test specific to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety and completely independent of the crash testing done through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

Safety is always critical in a truck ownership. I’d say the Tundra is still a great buy, even at number two.

Filed Under: Auto News

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  1. Erik M says:

    It’s intresting Ford a wile back for the 96-2003 didn’t par vs well but now there neck to neck intresting how that changes. Toyota Star Safety system and standard level’s of options really make the Tundra a best in class buy.

  2. Mickey says:

    Agree…. Toyota has raised that bar on safety and only Ford followed it. The other two has some catching up to do.

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