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Making Fun of Toyota’s Tundra TV Ads

Truckers know that….blah blah blah.” I’m a HUGE fan of the Tundra, but the voice-over guy in those Tundra commercials is really starting to wear on me. To be honest, I never really liked that part of the Tundra TV ads in the first place…but since the stunts were so cool, it was easy to ignore him. Now, a few years later, the stunts are no longer fresh and I’m starting to focus on the guy who sounds like a cross between Wilford Brimley and the Cowboy from The Big Lebowski (whose name in real life is Sam Elliot).

Tundra commercial voice-over guy

The Tundra commercial voice-over guy sounds like a cross between these two...

So, in honor of the somewhat annoying voice in the Tundra commercials, here are a couple of gag videos found on Funny or Die.

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