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Toyota Increases Export of American Made Cars

Between the relatively low value of the dollar and the steadily increasing demand for vehicles world-wide, Toyota has announced that they will continue to increase the number of U.S. made vehicles exported around the world. This increase in exports is great news for U.S. workers, and it challenges the notion that so-called ‘foreign’ automakers are bad for the U.S. economy.

Toyota Exports American Made Cars

The Toyota Sienna will join other vehicles like the Tundra in being exported to other countries.

Specifically, Toyota announced that the U.S. built Sienna van will now be exported to South Korea. While the initial expectation is that there will only be a small number of Siennas sent overseas, this is good news for the folks that produce the Sienna at the Toyota Motor Manufacturing plant in Princeton, IN (TMMI) and the American economy in general.

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