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The Toyota Mini Motorhome – A Quirky RV With A Strong Following

In the 1970’s and 80’s the RV boom hit America hard, and with it came motorhomes and camping trailers of all different shapes and sizes.  Most people are familiar with the mammoth bus-based Winnebagos and pickup-truck mounted camper attachments, but few people remember that Toyota also got into the camping game in its own unique fashion.  Unlike other major RV players who battled over maximum trailer length and interior square footage, Toyota decided to keep things small and compact.  In doing so, they almost cornered the market on affordable and practical camping.

Toyota motorhome

Toyota's Mini Motorhomes are an interesting and perhaps forgotten chapter of Toyota history

The Toyota Mini Motorhome first hit American roads in the mid-1970’s, and was based on a version of the Toyota Hilux compact pickup truck.

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  • https://tundraheadquarters com/the-toyota-mini-motorhome-a-quirky-rv-with-a-strong-following/
  • 1985 toyota motorhome wheel axle recall
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