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U.S. Ford F-Series Annually Crushes Toyota Tundra Sales And Nobody Cares

Editor’s note: This post was inspired by a reader email that echoes a commonly held – yet completely uninformed – point of view.

Each year, U.S. Ford F-series sales crush the total sales of the Toyota Tundra and nobody, I repeat NO ONE, at Toyota really cares. Why? How can that be? Gasp, why wouldn’t Toyota want to be the GREATEST truck maker in North America?!? Simple. It doesn’t make any sense and the “Best Selling Truck in America” name isn’t accurate. Here’s why.

U.S. Ford F-Series Annually Crushes Toyota Tundra Sales And Nobody Cares

This Ford F-650’s sales numbers compete against the half-ton Toyota Tundra’s sales numbers.

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