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Toyota Tundra Tire Survey

Tires are like opinions – everyone’s got a set. More importantly, everyone chooses that particular set of rubber for different reasons. Some owners are still riding on the stock Tundra tires that came with their truck, while others liked their stockers so much that they replaced them with an identical set when the originals wore out. Others decided to experiment with a different brand of tires in order to give their Tundra better comfort, more grip or a quieter ride, while some focused in on specialty tires designed for off-road adventure, maximum performance on the pavement or solid towing stability.

We’ve put together a simple tire survey to try and get a better idea of what readers are running underneath their trucks. The idea is to figure out what the best or most popular brand of tires for the Tundra are. We realize that some of the brands listed don’t offer OEM replacement sizes for the Tundra, but there are many drivers out there who have gone taller, narrower or wider with their tire selections. In the end, all we are looking for is your own opinion on what you think is the best brand of tire for the Toyota Tundra.

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