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Biggest Toyota Tundra Road Trip Ever

The lure of the open road and the promise of adventure that a road trip offers is something that appeals to a wide demographic of car lovers. For many, the ultimate vacation would be a cross-country drive that provides ample opportunity to stop and explore the cities, places and sights that help to make America what it is.

For Steve Bouey and his friend Steve Shoppman (the Steves’), the dream of driving across the country didn’t stop when they reached the ocean on the other side. They chose to extend their journey into a 2 year odyssey that stretched across 67 different countries and a total of 66,000 miles – and they did it all from behind the wheel of a 2007 Toyota Tundra (and an 04′ Sequoia).

Looking across the Tundra's hood at a burned out Angolan tank.

Looking across the Tundra's hood at a burned out Angolan tank.

While some might be surprised at their choice of vehicle, it was an easy decision for the two young globetrotters to embark on their adventure from behind the wheel of Toyota’s flagship pickup truck.

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