What to Get Dad – 2012 Automotive Father’s Day Gift Guide

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Father’s day is quickly approaching. What do you get the old man? No more ties, please. How about something for his truck? Here is a list of fun gift ideas.

2012 Automotive Father's Day Gift Guide

Show your Dad some love with these gifts.

AutoMeter Sport Comp Gauges

Automotive Father's Day Guide - GaugesMany people think car gauges are only for street, drag and oval track racing car owners.  Yet, every truck owner has a little drag racer inside of him screaming to let him out. So, give him a cool gauge for his truck. From a universal set of gauges to something simple – like a transmission temp gauge – AutoMeter is the name brand to trust. Gauges start at as little as $50, and wiring them up is pretty easy.

CIPA Auto-Dimming Rear View Mirrors


Automotive Father's Day Guide - Cipa Hero Auto Dimming Mirrors

Cut the glare and eye strain with a Cipa Hero Auto Dimming Mirror.

Alright, we get that it isn’t that sexy of a gift, but it has Dad’s practicality in mind. This auto-dimming rear view mirror minimizes keeps often blinding daytime reflections and it reduces night time glare. Look Dad’s do a lot of driving from day-to-day work trips to long car trips. This auto-dimming mirror will keep the glare down, reduce eye strain and help him keep his eyes on the road. Plus, you can get them with a temperature gauge and compass built in. Starting at $175.

Dash Designs DashTex Custom Dashboard Cover

Automotive Father's Day Guide - Dash Design Dash Tex Dashboard Cover

Cover his worn out dash or dress up his new ride with a custom dashboard cover.

Nothing is worse than having your truck’s dash get cracked or damaged due to the sunlight. It’s not like you can easily just pull the dash out and replace it. Before it gets too bad and causes Dad some grief. Get a dashboard cover. These covers have come a long way from their early renditions. They not only look great, you can add some two-tone leather style to his ride. Starting at $50.

WeatherTech Side Window Deflector

Automotive Father's Day Guide - Weathertech Side Window Deflector

Bring the cool air in and save money on the A/C.

Nowadays it seems we run the air conditioner a lot including when it is simply stuffy inside the truck. What gives? This isn’t the way it used to be. We used to roll down the windows and enjoy a summer breeze or a refreshing light rain. Not anymore. Reclaim those days with a side window deflector. These deflector will allow Dad to crack the window and bring in a cool breeze without loud sounds. This fresh air will add to his peace-of-mind as he saves money by not running the A/C. They also add some style to his truck too. Starting at $55.

Bushwacker Fender Flares – Pocket Style

Automotive Father's Day Guide - Bushwacker Fender Flares Pocket

Give Dad some ruggedness for his ride.

Who says Dad’s truck can’t look a little rugged! Get away from the boring, factory styling and add a little “This is MY TRUCK” to your Dad’s rides. These fender flares are great at adding some styling and protection. Look at it this way, Dad will be happier with his truck and when he is happy, everybody wins! Starting at $185.

Need more ideas? Check out these other guides.

Filed Under: TundraHeadquarters.com


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  1. Mickey says:

    Actually I already got my gift. A kindle fire for the long trips I take with the wife so she can drive and I can play games. Works with my Verizon phone plug in for the truck too. I got the wife one for Christmas. I did download the KJV Bible and will download some more books I like next week.

  2. will says:

    Nice to read this one.
    i have a plan to give some thing amazing to my father but it is secrete !!!
    will tell you on father’s day.

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