Archive for August, 2007
Adding a Sunroof To Your New Car
You’re at the car lot and you’ve found a car that’s almost perfect. It’s just missing one option – the sunroof. The salesman, ever so helpful, explains that he actually add a sunroof to the car you’re looking at. At this point, you may begin to wonder if this is some BS sales tactic and start reaching for your car keys. But don’t move so fast – a sunroof can be added to your car or truck even if it wasn’t installed at the factory.

After market sunroof from Webasto
First of all, it’s important to understand exactly what happens when an after-market sunroof is installed:
Toyota Tundra Tips: Premium Gas vs. Regular
Here’s the deal: Toyota recommends 87 octane for the new Tundra. In most states, that’s the lowest octane available. Because the Tundra was designed for the lowest octane, you should only use the lowest octane available, regardless of the engine you have. If you live at high altitude, you can even use 85 octane with no problems.
But wait — what about better engine performance? Or better gas mileage? These claims (typically made by the gas companies) are bogus. While there may be some slight benefits to using high octane fuel, the extra cost doesn’t justify the extra expense. Don’t believe it? We found this article that explains exactly why Tundra owners shouldn’t buy premium.
However there is one benefit to premium that the Car Guys didn’t mention: Most high octane fuel contains detergents that will clean your fuel system. These detergents are similar to (but less concentrated than) a bottle of gas treatment that you would buy at the auto parts store. Fuel system treatments are good preventative maintenance — over time, impurities will deposit themselves at the natural “choke” points in your fuel system. Typically, that’s your injectors and your fuel pump. Eventually these deposits can foul an injector, reducing fuel economy and performance. In fact, if the injectors become too dirty they will require replacement. So cleaning your fuel system is a good idea.
But the problem with using premium gas to clean your truck’s fuel system is that price difference between a full tank of premium and a full tank of regular is more than enough to buy a bottle of fuel system cleaner and pour it in yourself. But that’s assuming you remember to do it. If you’re like a lot of people, buying fuel system cleaner isn’t on your list of priorities. If you’re the type that forgets to do these things, then buying premium gas once a year will keep the fuel system clean enough.
Bottomline: Because the Tundra was designed to run on plain old low octane gas, adding higher octane has little or no benefit. Unless you don’t want to mess with putting some fuel system cleaner in your truck every 20k miles or so, there’s no reason to fill your new Toyota Tundra with premium gas. Take that Exxon!!
Search terms people used to find this page:
- https://tundraheadquarters com/toyota-tundra-tips-premium-gas-vs-regular/
- https://tundraheadquarters com/toyota-tundra-tips-premium-gas-vs-regular/#:~:text=Because the Tundra was designed 85 octane with no problems
- https://tundraheadquarters com/toyota-tundra-tips-premium-gas-vs-regular/#:~:text=Heres the deal: Toyota recommends 87 octane for the new Tundra
The Best 2007 Toyota Tundra Videos
When cruising thru the Tundra forum last week, we found a Tundra video list posted by vanlong that was AWESOME.
Every video we’ve ever liked is their, plus a few we’ve never seen.
Here are some of our favorites (in no particular order):
Tundra v. Ram Tug of War – strap a Toyota to a Hemi Ram and see which won wins.
Racing TRD Tundras – a little long, but it’s cool.
0 to 60 then back to 0, then giggling.
Our Toytec Lift Kit Install Video — shameless self-promotion.
Getting a little muddy in S.C. (no rednecks were harmed in the making of this video)
Cool looking launch in the sand.
Thanks to forum member vanlong for posting — you’re the best! We didn’t include any commercials — see his post here for those and some reviews as well.