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5 Ways Toyota Is Screwing Up The Tundra

Toyota needs to stop being so damn conservative when it comes to the Tundra. Since 2007, Toyota has built a truck that can stand toe-to-toe with the best that Ford, GM, and Dodge had to offer. Never before has Toyota offered a truck with so much capability at such a great value. Consumers responded strongly to the new Tundra in 2007, and that response stayed strong through the debut of the TRD supercharger in 2008. After that, enthusiasm started to sputter. Toyota started out winning the battle for the hearts and minds of truck owners, but then they pulled back. What gives?

While it’s easy to blame a downturn in the truck market (and aggressive incentives from struggling domestic rivals) for the Tundra’s loss of momentum, the problem is deeper than that. The problem, plain and simple, is Toyota’s poor management of the development of the Tundra. Here’s what they’ve done wrong:

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