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A Real Flying Car – Terrafugia Transition

Back in the 1940’s and 50’s a number of futurists declared that flying cars were “just around the corner,” and that they would revolutionize the world of personal travel. That never quite happened, but almost 60 years later it is now possible to own a very similar contraption that promises to extend the utility of the personal airplane in a brand new direction.

Terrafugia Transition's Flying Car

Terrafugia Transition's Flying Car

The Terrafugia Transition is less a flying car and more an airplane that can be safely driven on public roads. In terms of appearance, the James Bond-style transporter is either an odd-looking airplane or a completely off-the-wall automobile…depending upon how you look at it. But one thing is certain: it succeeds both in the sky and on the ground in providing its pilot with excellent flying and driving characteristics.

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