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Franky’s DOC – A Supercharged 2007 Toyota Tundra RCSB

There are many, many awesome Tundras on the road. One of them, a 2007 Regular Cab Short Box (RCSB) Tundra,  is owned by Franky. In addition to having a cool nickname (Franky calls his Tundra “Doc”), this Tundra also has the big motor, a supercharger, and a ton of extras.

Here's "Doc" - a Supercharged 2007 Toyota Tundra RSCB

Here's "Doc" - a Supercharged 2007 Toyota Tundra RCSB. Be sure to note the smoked headlight lenses.

As you can see, the Doctor is “in.” This thing is suhweet. Here’s the low-down:

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