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How To Kill A Perfectly Good Engine for $5.68

We’ve already talked about the buying a Toyota Tundra under the Clash for Clunkers “CARS” program, but here’s a quick recap.

The government offers $3500 to $4500 to trade-in a vehicle that gets less than 18mpg provided that:

  • You’re buying a car that gets better than 22mpg.
  • You’re buying a truck that gets better than 18mpg or one that gets at least 2mpg better than the vehicle you’re trading or
  • You’re buying a work truck.

The specifics are sort of complicated, so you should visit the official website to figure it all out.

One of the requirements of this bill is that the vehicle you trade-in is scrapped. Unfortunately, scrapped doesn’t begin to describe the torture that your clunker’s engine is put through. The description of the scrapping process isn’t for auto fans with a weak stomach…here’s how it works

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