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Which is Better – Electronic or Mechanical Throttle Controls? Ford Taurus Throttle Investigation Underway

When the L.A. Slimes inspired panic and distrust of Toyota’s electronic throttle control system back in 2009, many people said that Toyota should stop using all these electronics and just stick with a good old fashioned mechanical throttle. Toyota was being “too fancy” using electronics to control the throttle, and as a result the media (none of whom have ever turned a wrench or written a piece of software) found fault with Toyota’s “overly complicated” system.

NHTSA Ford Taurus Throttle Cable Investigation

NHTSA investigating 1.9 million Ford Taurus models for cruise control throttle cable problems

Of course, the problem with this particular bit of logic is that cables can break too. Just ask Ford about 1.9 million of their Taurus models being investigated by NHTSA.

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