All Entries Tagged With: "hamsar"
LED Replacement Headlights – Worth The Cost?
LED lights and bulbs have begun to creep into almost every area of our lives, and automotive illumination is no exception. Typically, the LED lights found on cars and trucks are used either as brake lights or running lights, as well as interior accents. The aftermarket, however, has been a bit braver in seeking out new applications for exploiting this particular lighting technology, with LED replacement headlights now appearing for several different vehicle brands. Companies like Hamsar are offering plug-and-play replacement LED headlights, including a full housing, for a range of older vehicles that use a sealed beam design.

Hamsar LED replacement low-beam headlights promise big savings - it's a mystery how they arrive at the $430 savings number
LED Headlights – Is There An Advantage?
What are the purported advantages of LED headlights?