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BREAKING NEWS: Ford – F150 EcoBoost Shudder Fix Confirmed

Responding to our story late last week about EcoBoost F150 shudder problems, a source at Ford has told us that a fix has been found and that current EcoBoost F150 owners will be given the opportunity to fix their trucks in early November.


  1. All new EcoBoost F150s manufactured after Sept. 18th,2012 have received a redesigned CAC (charged air cooler) that addresses the moisture build-up problem.
  2. Beginning early next month, Ford will issue a TSB that instructs dealers to replace the CAC in any EcoBoost F150 that’s suffering from this problem with the redesigned unit.

The redesigned CAC will not collect condensation in the same way that the current unit does, so this problem should be officially fixed very shortly.

Our source on this news is a Ford employee.

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