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GM Launching New Sierra/Silverado in 2013

GM’s last major redesign of the Sierra and Silverado was in 2007. At that time, GM’s new truck design was quickly overshadowed by new designs from Toyota, Chrysler, and then Ford in the following year. Perhaps in an effort to “get the jump” on competition, GM will begin re-tooling plants in late 2012 to build an all-new 2013 model of the Sierra and Silverado, according to Automotive News.

This 2013 timing comes as a bit of a surprise – during the throws of GM’s 2009 bankruptcy, it was learned that GM had stalled almost all new product development plans to conserve operating capital. It was thought that this would slow GM’s next major redesign of their full-size trucks until 2014, but evidently GM has managed to overcome a slow start and will be building new trucks one year earlier than anyone expected.

Speaking of expectations, here are some features that GM will be including in their newest trucks:

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