NEW – Made In America Tundra Stickers!

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Are you tired about hearing that your Toyota Tundra is a “foreign” truck? Despite a mountain of evidence that the Tundra is one of the most American trucks on the market, people still make ignorant comments about the Tundra’s lineage. Time to shut them up…

Finally, after months of procrastination, we’ve got some Made In America stickers for the Toyota Tundra!

If your VIN number starts with “5TB”, than your truck was made in Princeton, Indiana. This is the sticker you’ll want:

Made in Princeton Indiana

Sells for $3.99 on

If your VIN number starts with “5TF”, than your truck was made in San Antonio, Texas. This is the sticker you’ll want:

Sells for $3.99 on

Finally, here’s a Made in the USA bumper sticker for any Tundra owner.

Tundra made in America

Sells for $4.99 on

If you buy 1 sticker, economy shipping costs $1. If you buy 2 stickers, economy shipping is only $1.30. If anyone wants to buy in bulk (dealerships we’re talking to you), contact us and we will make that option available.

Next time someone makes a comment about your truck, show them the sticker.

Place your order now – operators are standing by! 🙂

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  1. I discovered your homepage by coincidence.
    Very interesting posts and well written.
    I will put your site on my blogroll.

  2. I’ve been reading along for a while now. I just wanted to drop you a comment to say keep up the good work.

  3. Mickey says:

    Great stickers Jason….Will be ordering mine.

  4. Thanks a lot for the comments!

  5. TXTee says:

    Interesting topic…doesn’t really matter where it’s made as long as it performs – and mine hauls azz. The only reason it’s PHYSICALLY made in America is because it would cost too much to ship our big trucks fully assembled plus the tariffs associated with it. What is with people not being happy with what they purchased/own because it’s what they wanted? By the way, mine came with a nice big “Born in Texas, Built by Texans” sticker. Nuff said! I don’t need to purchase a sticker to prove anything to anybody.

  6. TXTee – You could always get one to advertise for TundraHQ! 🙂

  7. Mickey says:

    TXT it’s not a big thing but it’s nice to have. I for one get tired of hearing it’s not an american truck. The truck was made here so it’s a natural american truck. Mines was made in Indiana and didn’t come with one so why not have one.

  8. TXTee says:

    If my Manuel is featured one day, I just may do that, Jason!

  9. bommer says:

    i would in no way belive this thundra is made here it has a commy name on ford is better by far take your commy junk and keep it,i dont belive for one minute that this is a american trusk,these are the america names ford,chevy,dodge,not anything else period

  10. Jason (Admin) says:

    bommer – Hilarious! Not only do you reference Communists (does that even exist anymore in 2011?), but you say that Dodge is an American name…and they’re owned by FIAT!

    This is what’s great about America. Idiots who know nothing, can’t spell, and don’t know how to punctuate a sentence have just as many rights as the rest of us. What a country!

  11. John Milner says:

    Before you break out into “America the Beautiful, you better go check toiletta’s track record on how they treat their workers. They hire part-time call-ins with low pay and no benefits. If you are injured, they fire you. And I’m sure the japs do wonderful things in Japan with all the profits that go there. Please let me know how this can be good for America? You people are TOOLS.

  12. John Milner says:

    And people wonder why the middle class is hurting. Yeah, nothing says “Modern America” like a jap pickup truck.

  13. Jason (Admin) says:

    John Milner – The evidence is clear: The Tundra has more domestic parts content than any competing half-ton, and it’s made in San Antonio.

    The days of Ford, GM, and Chrysler-Fiat being “American” car companies are long gone. We live in an international economy, which means that figuring out which cars are better for the US economy is a little more complicated than looking at the badge on the fender.

    Some Fords (or GMs or Chrysler-Fiats) *are* American cars, and some aren’t. You have to educate yourself if you want to be a good consumer.

  14. John Doe says:

    My intelligence is insulted when a Japanese product is passed off as something else and I’m sure I’m not alone. I assembled my Chinese barbeque but wouldn’t go around pretending it was “built” or “born” in America. The only way I would be caught dead in one of these is if I were dead and I hope they put a bag over my head if it happens.

  15. James says:

    Yep the Toyota Tundra is not an American brand of trucks. But it is made in America. The big 3 American brands are made in Canada and Mexico. All of the Ford, GM and Dodge 3/4 ton trucks are made in Mexico.
    I would rather buy a truck that put American workers to work.

  16. Sealman 79 says:

    Fords are like tampons every Bitch owns one

  17. james bolasky says:

    its not where they are made its who owns the co. its japanese

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