Tundra Golf in the Arctic Circle

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Today, I’ve added a couple of links to the blogroll, including a nice FREE Consumer Reports page with Toyota reviews…not a bad find for an hours work.

While looking for other sites out there about the Toyota Tundra, I found a blog by “Doc” who lives in the Nunavut Territory, Canada. Evidently, they have another version of Tundra their that’s sometimes used for golf.

Here’s a link to the google map of Pond Inlet, Nunavut Territory, Canada (it’s at the top of the map), as far as I can tell Doc’s home city.

Some quick stats:

As of 2006, the city of Pond Inlet is the 8th largest in the Nunavut Territory with a population of 1,315 .

Pond Inlet is only accessible by water only 3 1/2 months a year, meaning most goods must be flown in by air.

Due to high transportation costs, a can of soda can cost as much as $4.50 (CA), depending upon the time of year.

The best way to get around is a snowmobile or four-wheeler.

Pond Inlet is a good place to see killer whale, polar bear, and icebergs.


I can’t imagine living their…what would it be like? I don’t know how anyone does it, and I have great respect for the 1300 people that do.

Here’s the blog I found, Tundra Golf, with pictures of Port Inlet and the intrepid golfers that live their.

Filed Under: TundraHeadquarters.com

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